5 acts meme

May 10, 2013 12:29

how the 5 acts meme works
- Post a list of your five favourite kinks/acts or themes in your journal. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
- Comment to the master post with a link to your post.
- Read other people's lists here.
- Post comment-fic based off of other people's interests.

my 5 acts )

exchanges, memes, fanfiction

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doreyg May 13 2013, 17:35:21 UTC
Eeee, thank you very much! :D I worried that it was a touch too dreamy, but I'm so glad that you liked it! And, I must admit, I saw Coriolanus/Aufidius on your list and immediately went "YEP. WRITING THAT". I just watched the 2011 film a few weeks back and finally discovered just how homoerotic it was, and I've been meaning to write fic ever since then so it's wonderful to finally get around to it! And thank you for having it on your list!

What I like about the play/film is that you really do get a sense of that shared trust and unnameable bond, so I'm glad it came across! My headcanon is basically that Aufidius doesn't outlive Coriolanus for long, and I'm not sure how that fits in with history but I'm going to stick with it nonetheless. It's really a sort of... More than love? It's pure obsession, which really has driven far too many empires/people to ruin, and so yeah. The bond between them is one of my FAVOURITE THINGS EVER so I'm so glad that I actually managed to get that across instead of vaguely wandering around it for a while. :DDD

So, yes, thank you very much for the glorious prompt! And I might be back to write more because your list is pretty much my list with extra added awesome! :DDD


outboxed May 13 2013, 21:13:11 UTC
It may have a slightly dream-like and ethereal quality but it's not too dreamy at all! I loved it. When I put Coriolanus/Aufidius on my list I was sure no-one would write it (because it's not like there's a Coriolanus fandom to speak of) but I couldn't not include it because their relationship is so perfect and everything I could ever want out of a ship. And, yesss, the 2011 film is incredibly homoerotic. (Though even the 1980s BBC film included shirtless sword-fighting and pressing each other against walls - it's just impossible to get away from the current of homoerotic desire with Coriolanus.) I am so glad I could finally make you write about it though. :D

Their bond is incredible and definitely more than love, bigger than anything they can control or anything that either man could be alone. I love the idea of Aufidius failing to outlive Martius for long. I can definitely see it - their lives are too intertwined for one to carry on without the other. And you definitely did a fantastic job of portraying the inexorable and epic nature of the bond between them.

Squee! Thank youuu. I love how alike our lists are. It is glorious. :DD


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