good quotes

Apr 13, 2006 01:14


me: "i dont fear death...only if i know its near."
jake: "yea, duh"
me: " like, if death is in harmorville, then i wouldnt fear it...but if it was that pole right there...then i would fear it, y'know?"
jake: "i wonder if they could make a death tracker: 'death is in new ken...death is leaving new ken...death is in harmorville...death is leaving harmorville...death is in oakmont...oh shit oh shit oh God...death is leaving oakmont...whew! that was close!...just kidding, death is still in oakmont; in your room!'"

caffas: "when i take nyquil i just zonk out. like, you just take one and your down. its like the best sleep you'll ever have".
me: "...with a cold medicine."

me: "what if that healing potion is fake hahaha Santa just jipped them and edmond dies"
jake: "and theres a middle finger on the bottle, like *sticks up middle finger*"
me: "hahaha and it says 'i ain't real, suckers' on it"

*chuck serves, moser goes to return and gets close to running into me*
moser: "whoa whoa whoa, redo, winks was in my way!"
chuck: " are you serious?!"
moser looking back at me: "whew! thanks man, i owe you"

daveed looking at ink blots*
daveed: "looks like a lady...with a knife in her head"
mr lindeman: "freud would quesion if it was really a knife..."

ryan: "im going through a stop sign, eh? and a cop is sitting there? much gas do i have in my tank?"

tyler: "west side in this motherfucka"
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