In the evenings when lights are low, i'm so lonely i could cry

Nov 06, 2004 21:51

so at the very moment of my first live journal entry i am lonely. but (yipskip!) kara is about to come and visit me so that is very exciting! we'll have so much fun! today i got up and listened to mary's CD for a little while and danced around my living room, then Ian called so i got into my trial lawyer outfit and we went and filmed the PSA-I'd say it was pretty successful. Nick made an especially sexy Mr. T. Then I came home for awhile and tooled around-not much going on there. My darling Dan called and we chatted for awhile which was wonderful and I miss him to death and can't wait until he's home again! Then Louisa and Roney and Colin and Craig all came over. I'll tell you something hanging out with Craig Vinton outside of school was something I never expected to happen! We went to Friendly's which was pretty yummy, and then to Louisas, and then they went out to Roney's but I felt like not being a liar pants, so I stayed home-felt like a big loser...talked to my wonderful brobro, and now Kara is coming over so we'll watch girly movies and I'll feel less lonely. This weekend as a rule has been interesting. Shaun of the Dead was pretty fucking sweet, very glad I made the decision to watch it, but the next hour driving around with Ian, Alec, Jenzer, and Sheldon, was pretty weird, and kinda wasted I guess. (the hour was wasted-we werent) Anyway I think i'm gonna go make hot cocoa, and wait for Kara to get here and save me from myself. I hope my LJ is up to par.
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