So I went a little stir crazy and edited hundreds of photos at once, so here are some extra pictures from the very first leg of my trip:
One thing I really loved about Hawaii was the spam musubi, which is basically just spam on top on a rice ball, but OH. MY. GOD. I don't know what they put in the spam but it was SO delicious. They even had variations on the theme with extra cheese/bacon/egg on top and I COULD EAT THIS EVERY DAY I SWEAR. We went to this really tiny hole-in-the-wall place that was just amazing.
After that we did some really touristy things and visited the aquarium, which was small but still pretty cool.
Bloop bloop.
Also: JELLYFISH. They are so weird. but also so great. I wish I had a pet jellyfish.
Adventure time (again) with Bunny and Squiggle the Travelling Pig.
Guest starring Lobby, whom we got at the Hanauma Bay gift shop, and who now belongs to my younger cousin ;_; I MISS YOU ALREADY.
And then, while we were there, this happened:
How do you not love a place that loves spam so much they have a festival for it???
On our last day there we went to Pearl Harbor, which I didn't actually think I would enjoy, but it wasn't too bad, I suppose!
I mean, we actually got to go in/on here, which is pretty cool. These places are ridiculously expensive, though. Our ticket must have set us back by almost SGD$50.
Clearly I am not happy about being in a cramped space, y'all.
I honestly cannot imagine having to live on a ship for an extended period of time, because man was it cramped in there. I don't usually get claustrophobic, but walking through the hold of that ship was pretty much, even for me. There were these tiny toilets and foldable beds and room for just one person at a time in the passageway. Just, urgh, no.
Obligatory embarrassing shot.
Obviously they didn't design these things to fit tiny Asian girls.
Annnnnd that is it for Hawaii! More pictures, obviously, on Facebook. I'm actually halfway done with my San Diego pictures (and fully done with my LA ones), but don't expect another update anytime soon, the way I'm procrastinating. Also, work is starting to wear me down =( Hopefully things (and by things I mean me) get better soon.