Mar 20, 2006 09:30
Yaknow, life seems alot simpler when you aren't pissed off at the world and when in general you are happy with your life. Who woulda thunk it. I just have been trying a new approach on life and for the most part it has really been working out. I may get to stop going to the shrink soon.
So I might as well update while I'm here:
This weekend was cool, went to a plizzay hosted by Biship Foley and chilled with Alex who is a really cool gal. Surprisingly enough we were able to get in and get first dibs on our seats (despite assigned seating) because they thought she was still in Foley or something and because they musta thought I was tech staff? Oh man, it's like going back over a year ago.!
Sunday was my lazy day, I didn't get up until at least 2 and didn't bother doing anything other then sit around until 5 when I finally got showered and got my day started!
This weekend is looking rough but I think I'll survive:
Test today in history.
Test weds. in speech.
Paper due weds. in Composition.
Speech rough draft due weds. in speech.
Oh man this should be fun but if I can make it this week my shot at optimism might actually work! :P
Edit: I need more pictures of me!