Post Exams, Ergo Propter Exams

May 08, 2007 23:41

After returning home from babysitting (and incidentally, after Mytheli's husband pretty much called me fat and then awkwardly tried to back track), I took a lovely nap.  Which was promptly interrupted with a knock at my door...yeah, so that people could tramp through my apartment to see it in it's post-exams foul glory.  I didn't look too hot either.  Awesome.

I need to get my hands on the last part of Rescue Me Season 3, b/c I'm not sure I saw all of it.  I also can start looking for new apartments.  Mark me down as excited.

On a sidenote, any one have any ideas for a historiography paper I can write for 781?  Something about borders perhaps?  Yeah, I got nothing.
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