Don't take me on

Apr 13, 2007 00:59

1. Where did your last kiss take place?
Truthfully?  I make out with myself all the time.

2. Who knows a secret or two about you?
Anyone who gets within aural range of my person?

3. Four words to explain why you last threw up?
food poisoning bad chinese

4. Have you ever burned yourself?
Yes, I gave myself a second-degree burn from a toaster once...

5. What's crazy to you?
Having a discussion about how Sedgwick strays from traditional definitions of shame

6. Favorite cuss word:
Who could pick a favorite among her children?

7. Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
Everyone I know?  This is what we do.  Informal networks of power.  It's gendered.  Eat me.

8. Who is your hero?

9. Would you ever want to be a supermodel?
I cherish food, even if it is just the result of a field of relations of power...

10. Who is the most experimental person you know?

11. Do you tell white lies?
Not as much as my little sister...who lies like its her JOB.

12. When is your next party?
OOH can I go to the Prom PARTY?  Please, please?

13. Who do you want to be with right now?
The people I'm always with.

14. Do you scratch when and where you want to scratch?
For the most part, I'm not discriminating on these matters...

15. How do you handle a break up?
See how it works is...the train moves, not the station.

16. Your motivation for tomorrow?
Reading all day/Not being nervous about saturday.

17. Do you know what you will wear tomorrow?
No.  I have no interest in the epistemology of my closet.

18. Last person to make you laugh?
I'll say Christy, but that's because she's the last person I talked to.  So it's likely.

19. Last thing you ate?
Chocolate Bunny!

20. Do u ever go a few days without changing your underwear?
Yeah, not so much.

21. Have you ever accidentally eaten an insect?
Like the kind that fly into your mouth when you're a) riding your bike, b) walking down the street, or c) turning your head to fast?  Perhaps.

22. Do daddy long legs freak you out?
I don't like spiders, but them bitches don't bother me.

23. Have you ever cleaned up someone else's vomit?
Not in the plan.

24. Have you ever dropped food on the floor and eaten it?

25. Do you kiss your pets on the mouth?
I am pet free here in Columbus, and Scout really controls the tone of the kisses up in Cleveland.

26. Do you talk baby talk?
No.  Unless I'm mocking the "voices" of others.

27. What serial killer do you find most disturbing?
The Zodiac...but only cause I just saw the movie.

28. Do you watch court tv?

29. Would you ever work in a retirement home?
Been there, done that.

30. Do you believe plants have feelings?
More importantly - do I care?

31. Do you laugh at people with "bowl" haircuts?
If it is worthy.

32. Do you have nervous twitches?
Um, mcduh.

33. Are you ever purposely irritating?
I'm never even accidentally irritating.

34. If you could fly, where would you go first?

35. Do you prefer boats or planes?
I'll say boats, but I haven't been on one that can do plane-like distances of travel.

36. Love or lust?
To answer this question best, I must understand the 8-9 elements of the affect system.

37. One best friend or 10 aquaintances?
I'm on a low maintenance tail spin.

38. Favorite food?

39. Do you believe that your first love never dies?
It's citational legacy has a binding power...

40. What upcoming event are you waiting and ready for?
Exams?  Although ready isn't the word I'd use.

41. Current smell?

42. Do you get your nails done?
one time for my brother's wedding.  disaster.  i do not have the bodily knowledge to make it work.

43. Most favorite person?

44. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonald's?

45. Are you an emotional person?
My affect is spilling out all over the place.

46. Do you like your name?
My name is fucking Barbara.  For real.

47. Do you have plans this weekend?
Read. Sleep. Eat. Watch. Read. Talk. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

48. Do you work?
I do now....also I teach apparently.

49. Do you dance naked in your room?
Naked?  Not really.  In varying states of undress? Sure.

50. When did your last relationship end?
Hmm...Junior High?

51. What are you listening to right now?
My upstairs neighbor, probably pre-fight.

52. Biggest fears?

53. How long have you been a part of LJ?
Since 2004.  Before that?  Diaryland.

54. Favorite place to be?
With me.

55. What are you wearing right now?

56. Are your toes painted?

57. Does anyone hate you?
Um, yeah.

58. How many people do you trust fully?
Everybody sucks.

59. Did you have fun doing this?
Wasting time is always fun.
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