it's them aliens- open to the_5thdoc

Aug 27, 2009 00:06

'Bloody hell.'

The words are Gene's, spoken with a sort of hushed, sickened awe, and behind them, Sam hears Chris retch and stumble away to be sick somewhere.  Sam doesn't blame him, and he swallows, closing his eyes for a moment and pressing fingertips to his eyelids, as if that might make the sight before them more manageable.  It doesn't.  Still, Sam is nothing if not a consummate detective, so he quells down the visceral reaction in his gut, and makes himself examine it.

It's a body, only barely recognisable as a man in his thirties, and it's torn nearly in half.  Torn, as if by some massive animal with claws and teeth, straight through the middle.  The spinal column, broken, protrudes out of the wound, sickeningly red with still-congealing blood, the flesh of what was formerly his abdomen riven to bloody shreds.  The cobbles are a mess with blood and gore, and Sam grimaces, looking to one of the men from forensics who's standing on the side, holding a clipboard and looking mostly put-together.  He doesn't say anything, but the man gets his cue and joins them, looking down at the body.

'What've you found?'

Gene glares, which Sam ignores.

'It's-' the man pauses, looking to the body once again, before back to the two police officers.  'It's rather remarkable, actually.'

'Remarkable?' barks Gene incredulously.  'It's ruddy disgusting, is what it is.'

But gamely, the man trudges on.  'Ah, well, yes, I can't dispute that, but remarkable nonetheless.  Despite the degree of mutilation of the body- well, I can't say I've ever seen anything like it- all the internal organs have been removed.'  Sam looks sharply back at the body of the man, and now that he knows, he can see that yes, the strange, misshapen quality of the torso isn't only because the body's been ripped in half, it's because it's hollow, like someone had snapped the ribs and scooped out everything behind them.  His gut roils, and the man next to him continues.  'The, ah, initial wound...' he shrugs, 'The amount of force required to do that, to actually rip flesh as opposed to cutting it or piercing it, it shouldn't be possible.'

It shouldn't, Sam knows it, but next to him, the Guv interjects angrily.  'Well, apparently it is possible, because otherwise I'm dreaming, and my dreams tend to contain a little more in the way of Britt Eckland.  Chris!  Get your useless arse over here!'

Chris looks pale and clammy, but he comes when Gene calls.  'Sorry Guv, Boss.'

'Right!'  Gene claps gloved hands.  'The mad scientists can take this back to their lab, Chris, Ray, with me.   DI Tyler, you get to break the news to his missus, and then back to CID, savvy?  We are solving this thing as soon as possible; I am not having some serial killer maniac roaming around my city, is that understood?'

As if it could be anything else.

[comm] none, [with] the_5thdoc

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