Jul 27, 2005 16:14
today i saw hells rejects with laura. it was really...wierd. alot of the movie was from the perspective of the killers so it wasnt really that scary, especially since the sountrack included freebird, and there was a clown, a hot chick (who was a killer), and a sort of funny crazy lady. but then i was flipping around on tv and they had a preview for oprah and it was a woman who had lied about experiences happening to her children, like one of them not breathing. I only caught a little bit of one of those previews they show right before the commercial but she had said that she rarely ever felt guilt. So i decided to watch because it seemed interesting, but it turned out it must have been a preview for another show because when it came back on ashton kutcher was on...so i turned it. but it made me wonder if the only reason we dont do the things we do is because we feel guilt. i asked myself if i would honestly stop myself from doing whatever i wanted if i knew i wouldn't feel any remorse and i didnt know the answer. or what if we felt no guilt, but still had other emotions, like the crazy family in the movie who didnt care that they killed people, but still loved each other. i still dont think ill be killing anyone..at least not for awhile. i had to register online with the "selective service system" or face "$250,000 worth of fines, up to 5 years of imprisonment or both." they might as well call it the draft.