i miss massachusetts.
i really jwanna go to boston.
and my back and arms and shoulders and shins are majorly sunburned. weirdest farmers tan ever....i think there is still some sawdust in there. probably some in my lungs too. GROSS!
been doing alot of painting all day. even though its hard work, its alot of fun. i know i'll be proud when i look at the sets and know that i painted them. tomorrow comes the artistic side of it. a little today with making the sets look like worn wood...but tomorrow i'm making the whole house that i painted today look beat up. it should be fun. i'm taking pictures tomorrow so i can see before and after shots. i'll post them later.
i reaeeeaeaeeaeaeallly want to go to another red sox game. SO BAD!!! i want to be able to watch the red sox too actually.
i miss....
more stuff that i don't have pictures of too.
wow am i bored.
haven't seen lisa yet which is dissappointing. i should see some of her shows too. chris is coming on thursday!!!! finally i'll have something to do. we're definetly going to the arcades and the drive in movie theatre. and something else that's fun.
i need to start eblaying stuff so i can get more money. cause i'm wicked broke.
i just found out i have to work at the concession stand tomorrow night for a stupid comedian that they booked at our theatre. awesome.
one of my roomates a new ones, ANDREW (i kept calling him patrick because i think that was the original name that was on the door to him and doug's room), is smoking outside on the tiny porch and all the smoke is filtering in through the open windows next to where my computer is set up because we have no air conditioning and its too hot to not open the windows. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
ok enough for now. i'm sure i'll have a happier entry to write after i actually do something with my free time.
oh man, i hope this comedian doesn't suck tomorrow. i sure do hate comedians that suck.
i'll probably tell him/her to cram it with walnuts.