permissions post // GLaDOS

May 17, 2009 23:19

Given GLaDOS's nature as a sentient disc-operating system, her powers within the City are as follows:
  • Advanced technopathy -- the ability to communicate with all other forms of robotic, computer, or machine devices and access data, records, and memory (the most applicable application of this being hacking encrypted posts). 
  • The ability to infect any machine, device, robot, etc that she touches with her consciousness.  This ability can also affect any additional machines, etc that the touched device is networked to (see: being able to gain control over another person's comm).  Once infected, GLaDOS is able to control the device and all of its functions (much in the same way she controls the testing facility apparatuses within game).  Using her technopathy, she is also able to 'communicate' to the device and 'convince it' that the way it functions is incorrect and that the way she defines is the way it should behave.  In that way, she is able to 'reprogram' the functionality of a machine.
  • The added ability to alter any infected electronic or mechanical device to make it suddenly manufacture and release a deadly neurotoxin into the air.  This ability is limited to normal human doses of neutrotoxin as well as a physical radius of about a medium-sized apartment complex.
I know that a lot of these powers can be really easily abused, especially by an emotionally maladjusted and deranged AI at the helm.  So!  It's really important to know what you and your characters are comfortable with.  Of course, I am open to plotting, ideas, and turning some of these powers around on their head, but right now I'm basically looking for several levels of permission.
  1. Private/encrypted/anonymous posts -- Is GLaDOS able to threadjack you in the middle of a private conversation?  Hack into encrypted posts and/or discover the origin of an otherwise anonymous entry?
  2. All your comm are belong to us -- Since GLaDOS is able to infect any comm that is actively on the network at a given time, she has the ability to essentially 'hijack' your comm, if you allow.  This can mean causing it to malfunction or cause all of your posts to suddenly display in binary.  More often than not, it will probably for a petty reason and to simply annoying results.  If your comm is sacred, just let me know and she won't mess with yours.
  3. Eavesdropping/big sister -- Since GLaDOS is able to control the devices that she is able to infect, it is feasible that as long as an individual has their comm with them, she would be able to turn on the video function, the microphone, etc and watch/listen in.  This is not something GLaDOS would actively do unless given cause, but it'd be nice to know whether or not you'd be interested/allow that level of creeperness.
  4. Neurotoxin -- The true 'superpower' that GLaDOS has is the ability to turn any device she has infected essentially into a ticking mechanical timebomb of tasty neurotoxin.  This power is extremely limited by size, time, and distance.  GLaDOS can only use this power on objects that she touches directly OR are within a very limited distance around her via network (the same building, but nothing beyond that).  The amount of neurotoxin produced is relative to the size of the object.  Have her trigger a vending machine, somebody's off to meet their maker; piss her off enough to trigger your communicator and you're probably in the hospital undergoing some treatment, nothing more.  GLaDOS's ability only works without 24 hours of her "infection".  After that, the machine corrects itself and ceases neutrotoxin production.  All of these factors also effect how physically drained GLaDOS is after she uses her power.
Any other plottage, thoughts, comments, concerns can go here or on my HMD post.  Thanks in advance, folks.  I'm looking forward to creepering you all and making your lives generally strange and weird.
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