Feb 23, 2009 03:01
This from the article linked via postqueer
In all sharp moral disagreements, maximalism is the constant temptation. People dig in, positions harden and we tend to convince ourselves that our opponents are not only wrong-headed but also malicious and acting in bad faith. In such conflicts, it can seem not only difficult, but also wrong, to compromise on a core belief.
I find this rationale frustrating, although it's common once bombast and defensiveness take over a thread, meeting etc.
Holding a value strongly doesn't automatically imply holding rigid views about what strategies can be employed to achieve goals for those values. Some of the intra-queer conflict about gay marriage seems to be about talking past...just assuming that marriage = 1 value and non marriage = 1 polar opposite value.
Allowing here that the way people organize these days is generally diffused and rapid..so some talking past is inevitable. The catch of that for gay marriage though, is that GM is so manipulated for wedge politics by conservatives. If a major block to your agendas is being divide and conquered, at least being accurate about what each others' values and strategies actually could be tactical *even if we don't agree*.
Because poor communication = easy target for wedge politics, and the drivers of the wedge are full on homophobes. The lack of universal health care just makes it harsher.
Also: I have recently been informed that Lesbian Identity Is A Feminist Thing. I thought you should know.
I mean, those of you don't already know courtesy of having been informed umpteen times since the 70's.
Apologies to Richard Bell.