Feb 18, 2004 03:49
You've got to be dicking me around with this. I've been getting my kicks ripping up neighborhood pets on the weekends. And just to be clear, I'm not a bed-wetting junior serial killer -- this is not normal. But I think it's safe to say I am past the guilt stage. So way, long past. The guilt stage has left the fucking rear view.
I guess even before all of this crap came down on me, I still wasn't that into it. I mean, it's like a choice, right? You know something's going to make you feel like shit if you do it, but you do it anyway. So it's done. And sitting around moaning about what a fucking terrible person you are isn't going to change that.
And if it's your favorite thing, if you keep on doing it, and keep on getting all fucking ashamed of yourself every time -- then, fuck. That's indulgent.