Jan 04, 2004 20:36
DKM3021: you know i'm not really 57 correct
am i on tv: oh damn
x GRAFFITI skies: sup?
am i on tv: yo
x GRAFFITI skies: y0
x GRAFFITI skies: lol
x GRAFFITI skies: damn why this guy in blink chat take my s/n :/
am i on tv: who
x GRAFFITI skies: he got a s/n like..
x GRAFFITI skies: xGRAFFITI skiesx
am i on tv: oh
am i on tv: who are you again?
x GRAFFITI skies: yea
x GRAFFITI skies: Im lindsay..
am i on tv: lindsay who
x GRAFFITI skies: u dunno me :/
x GRAFFITI skies: haha.
am i on tv: oh..
x GRAFFITI skies: Lindsay from ohio...
x GRAFFITI skies: u know ash?
am i on tv: than why are you talking to me
x GRAFFITI skies: from uhh. cali
x GRAFFITI skies: b cuhz im bored?
am i on tv: ash?..
x GRAFFITI skies: die my darrling <--
am i on tv: there's more than one ash from cali hun.
x GRAFFITI skies: yeah.
x GRAFFITI skies: I know ...
x GRAFFITI skies: :-\
the hiva ttack: omg u prepz
the hiva ttack: u hotz
am i on tv: show me you..
the hiva ttack: can't sry
the hiva ttack: :'(i'm at my friend's house
am i on tv: then come to mah house
am i on tv: so0o0o wut tyme
the hiva ttack: 4