Mar 10, 2006 16:02
I had tafe today (8:30am start, ouch!) and class finished at around 10:30. But just before class finished, the course co-ordinator/teacher pulled me aside and asked to see me afterwards. I was thinking "uh huh, I'm in trouble for a cheeky comment I said a couple of days ago!" and so I was a bit nervous.
So he sits me down and asks me what it was I was doing with myself, and what I wanted to do in this course, in the future, etc. Obviously I'm in this advertising course cos I want to get into advertising and I tell him that. And in response to this, his face lights up in this huge grin and he says "I'm glad you said that. Because the other teachers here and I think that you have a real future in advertising."
He goes on to tell me that he and the other advertising teachers have been talking. And apparently I'm the favourite of all of the teachers (woot!) and how they all think that I'm just that much sharper/smarter than the other students. It was also good, because he was giving me tips on how to get noticed by the industry people at the start of next year - apparently I'm supposed to grab the role of managing/marketing director and thus be the spokesperson of my group. And it was just so amazing, because he was so excited about teaching me, and the fact that he had so much faith in my abilities was simply fantastic. I was so incredibly pleased - it hasn't been since high school that I was viewed as the top of a class (having fallen into the trap of bludging and drinking!). It was a bit bad too actually - the course co-ordinator was going through my class's roll call and commenting on how all the other people weren't as good as me, or how he thought they were completely useless. Still, I do like being the best, especially if it's something I'm enjoy and am damn good at (if I do say so myself!).
But yeah. I've always wanted to get into advertising, but alas, my folio for the RMIT university course wasn't up to scratch (too artsy, not graphicsy enough), thus resulting in me defaulting to Media Studies. But (not to sound cocky or anything!) I've alway felt that I've had a good instinct for reading people and situations, and if anyone knows me, they also know that I like manipulating things to suit me as well! And if that ain't advertising, I don't know what is!
Maybe 'the best day ever' is a bit of an overexaggeration. But I haven't felt so incredibly on track and ready for everything in a long time. I don't think I could have done this advertising course having just come out of high school - I was a timid thing back then. Now with the confidence of another degree under my belt, I actually have the nerve to speak up when I don't understand something, or argue when I think something is wrong. And I think that's part of the reason that the teachers are liking me so much - I ask questions, I make them question what they're teaching, and half the time I'm right!
So yeah. I am so incredibly pleased with myself and my situation at the moment. For so long I thought that advertising was where I belonged, and it's just so nice to have that reinforced too. And now I know that all of the teachers are going to be there helping me learn as much as I can, because I am their great hope of potential for the future! Wow that's a lot of pressure. But I think that with all of them pushing and believing in me that I can actually do it.