Finish The Sentence Survey
Take This Survey at
My ex...
Isnt around anymore
Maybe I should...
lose weight
I love...
metal music
People would say that i'm...
I don't understand...
Napoleon f\'ing Dynamite
When i wake up in the morning...
I watch ESPN Sportscenter. First thing.
I lost...
some amonunt of hope.
Life is full of...
up and downs.
My past is...
...Like of boring.
I get annoyed when...
things dont go the way i like them to go
Parties are...
fun unless your a vicious drunk
I wish...
For better pay in my jobs
Good pets.
^^ Love them.
will be a busy day
I have low tolerance...
for closed mindedness
If I had a million dollars...
Ill still pay taxes.
I'm totally terrified...
of not learning anymore new things.
Take This Survey at Mothers Day went well. Some flowers, a cake and a card. All under $20. ^^ She was a happy girl, thats for sure.
Also finally ditched that restarunt job for the one i have now as a cleaning contractor for Ameritech/SBC/AT&T/whatever the hell there name will be tomorrow. Only $8.00/hr., but im finally working 40 hours a week. So i cant bitch too much. Im getting closer now with this job to being....normal.
Feels like of odd saying that, but i guess i need a bit of "normal" in my life now.