Mar 22, 2003 00:49
...but I'm losing hope" Just thought i'd throw in a little sentiment from tonight (even though they didn't play that)..So i went the SBD/Nor Am I (cd release) show tonight. it was awesome. there were us and downs, but as soon as Stranger By Day took the stage it was ALL ups. The downs of course being those fuckin 25 yr. old skin-head ASSHOLES who would rather go to show they don't care about and scare teenagers than go to bar and try and start shit with people their own age. what fucking idiots, if they are there the next time i go to swayze's im never going back. and unfortunately it's because of them that my entire letters organize experience was ruined, i'll have to see them again sometime when they're not playing at swayze's. it's funny the whole time i was being miserable watching those fuckin guys i knew it would all be better when SBD played, and it was, those fucks left as soon as cody and CO. came out and danced in their small shorts.
1.i got to see Michael Walker, he's the fuckin MIG, and i haven't seen him in like 6 months, i have a feeling i'll be seeing more of him now that he has joined the band "A Crying Shame." that's right Michael Walker, eagle scout, has taken over responsibilities of lead VOX for punk rock legends, of KHS Battle of the Bands fame "A Crying Shame."
2.Ben Cato. his existance is was an upper tonight. THAT, and the fact that he never ceases to amaze me behind that fuckin kit. i compared it to the antithesis of an AMAZING video game that you just run into the ground from playing t so much. I never get tired of hearing/watching him play drums, serious. anyway huge props to House. you and the rest of the boys (p-joe, tay-ray, gus, face) rescued my night.
3. J.C. Mullis. o my god. this man is gifted, i don't know how he does some of things he does, but i thank every lucky star in the sky that he does them. Again, talking about drumming, the drummer from Nor Am I fuckin owned the kit tonight. and of course in light of it being the "cd release party" for Nor Am I, I bought the cd, and of course was blown away. great job guys, i hope/know the tour will go well.
Now, while I'm on the topic of drumming, i have to mention...Robert Zach Richards. You amaze me every time you sit down in front of that set. it's the same thing that i was saying about Ben, zach just keeps on doing it to me everytime, i gotta say it makes me proud to be in a band with such talent, and of course im not just talking about zach when i mention the talent. man, tonight, the Ups definately out wayed the downs. not to mention i totally got to confront the girl that i hate on how much/why i hate her.
O, and as i was leaving this girl that i VAGUELY remember said hi, and asked me if i remembered her. so of course to be polite i said hey, and yes, yes i did. and she told me to prove it by telling her her name. So I took a breath with full intentions of just spitting out the first girl's name that popped up. so for some reason at the last milisecond, i decided to say "chelsea". so with a look of total shock she says "o my god you remembered my name, now i feel bad for forgetting yours." i was stupified, i can't believe i knew her name and my brain didn't tell me until it was ALMOST too late. any way,my night could not have been made fun w/o the assistance of the previously mentioned, and several others. thank you. ok, im out for now, LATE