Apr 02, 2007 19:45
So Mock interviews today wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. But, they could've made it during school rather than four hours after school. I think I did well, considering I cannot talk to people in a formal manner like that for more than five minutes. Haha. SO now that those are over, I don't have to worry about much in Hopper's class 'cause I think I'm doing okay.
So the band is at a crossroad. As you alllll know, we have two singers. Now, that's not necessarily a bad thing but Melissa is just not stepping up to the plate. She's too shy to sing in front of people, and when I say that, I mean, even the BAND. Linda has great potential to just be the singer, but Melissa... yeah. The rest of the band had a talk today, and we've decided to give her one more chance, so Linda is going to talk to her tonight, and tell me what goes down. I mean, I'm already doing backup when she's not around, and it sounds good, so we might just end up doing that if Melissa is indeed out. I'd feel horrible though because Melissa is the reason I met Linda, and she's been like here from the beginning. dlfkndkf I don't know.
And I think I'm really fond of Tessa Clark & Dominic =/