The Subject Legacy 1.2

Jan 22, 2011 13:34

So, basically what this update is, is just showing all the children and their growing up. I used some aging up cheats, just for future reference, because I couldn't handle how bored I was getting. It was taking too long for them to grow up. So yeah. Enjoy!

Oh by the way, here is a picture of Guilt since I didn't get one last time. He's somewhat cute, I suppose.

Fertility treatments because they are fun!

Well, he's a pretty cute toddler. :)

Some toddler spam is all!

Oh by the way, Ginny really is a saavy sculptor! She ended up mastering the skill. :)

Nervous ice sculpture!

Aww, Doubt it growing up.

He reminds me of a dinosaur in this picture.

So did anyone notice that she was pregnant? Well, Doubt sure wasn't ready for it.

Joy Subject.

Pride Subject. Yay for girl twins! :)

Age up!

I believe his mohawk grew. Hahaha. :)

Doubt often talks to himself. Because he is insane. No seriously, it's one of his traits. Hahaha.

Guilt's birthday! I don't believe that I got any child pictures of him, because I was getting so bored I was just skipping through days. ):

Babies grew up! This is Joy, she is so adorable I can't even handle it.

And this is her twin sister, Pride. They look nothing alike. But she's still cute.

Like mother like daughter.

Like father like daughter?

I'll show you all the teens at the end. ;) Since I cheated and made them all teens because I couldn't wait any longer.

Don't worry, I changed her hair.

Nervous already completed his lifetime wish. Woo!

Get ready for the teens!

Joy is so adorable. :)

Heirpoll soon. Sorry for the boringness of it.

legacy:subject, pictures

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