
Jun 28, 2010 21:46

I decided some new boys were needed in my game. What I did was took a look through TPBM challenge descriptions and made my own versions to some that I liked. I won't say who's I did, because I don't want to make the person that actually did it feel bad if they think mine is better. I didn't keep track of who's I did, so you'll probably never know. :3

These three boys grew up together, went to college together, and joined a greekhouse together. All of them are different in their own way, they are not one bit like eachother.

First up we have:
Bernt Herman

Bernt is a romance sim with the personality, 4-8-4-4-5. Red hair and make up works him up. But fatness can kill the mood.

No guyz, my srs face IS NOT ADORABLE. u.u


Lief Mikkel

Lief is a family sim with the personality, 8-1-2-4-10. He drools over logical blondes and thinks plantsims are a total boner killer.


Awww, guiz, you know you wanna download me!

Tecumseh Black

Tecumseh is a pleasure sim with the personality, 2-7-6-6-4. He would enjoy a black-haired charismatic lady in his life. But please dear god, just keep the blondes away from this native pile of yum.

Stare deep into my chocolately brown eye-pools, ladies.

My cute smile makes it hard not to download me, amirite?

Well, I hope you enjoy these hunks! I quite like them anyway. ;)

downloads, sims2, downloads:simmale

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