10 annoying things about my partner

May 01, 2008 00:48

1. He snores. It's this God awful sound like lying INSIDE a jet engine.

2. He has this thing with family. And morals and values and all this warm and fuzzy shit.

3. If he painted his nails black -- like mine! -- he'd be emo.

4. He stabbed me with a fork once. I mean, come on now. BE A MAN.

5. He also stole my purple pen. He says it's because he's at peace with his sexuality. Pink or purple will not make him less of a man. Really? Is that so? Then why do you always where blue and grey flannel, hmm? The only differently colored flannel you own, darling, is the purple one your DAD owned. Now there is a man at peace with his sexuality. Amen.

6. He makes this face when I copy his or Dean's entries with mine. Like I stole something.

7. He cried during The Brothers Grimm.

8. I'm pretty sure he's gay or he has a perpetual hard on for Jo.

9. He needs a hair cut.

10. He won't shoot.

[entry] journal, [community] thetenspot, [prompt] april, [verse] thetenspot

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