[12.07] I try to tell her but she just won't believe.

Jan 27, 2008 22:44

"HEY! What're you doing?!" The night guard came bustling towards her, very annoyed and confused and so cute in his idiocy that Ruby wanted to hug him.

She raised her shovel in a wave and shot him a bright smile in the dark. "Diggin' a grave," she explained; since obviously it wasn't... well, obvious. She personally thought the digging and the fact the she was digging atop a grave made it pretty clear, but maybe he had an eyesight problem. Or a mental deficiency.

Oh! Or maybe...

"Are you like Rain Man?" At his blank stare she nodded. Clearly. "Consider this a Don't Walk sign."

She continued to shovel as he collected himself, idiot man. "Wh- What are you doing?!" he asked again, much to her annoyance. Hefting herself out of the grave and wiping the dirt of her jeans and her brand new blue Jimmy Choos, she folded her arms across her chest and glared at him.

"Digging a grave," she repeated, enunciating each word. "And the gentlemanly thing to do would be to have help, you imbecile."

He blinked at her.

With a sigh, she shook her head, sprinkling salt and lighter fluid over the grave.

He blinked at her.

She lit the matchbook and dropped in into the pit, picking up her shovel and walking towards the man.

"The least you could have done was helped," she told him with a pout, blue eyes looking terribly sad before they flashed to black as she kicked the back of his knee, giggling as he tipped forward into the grave.

"The smart thing you should have done was run away."

[prompt] december, [verse] open, [entry] narrative, [community] mind_the_muse

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