The mythical 10th kingdom! Talked about only in myths!

Jan 22, 2008 20:25

Have you ever had a puppy? They're so hard to train, always running around chasing their own tails and never listening when you tell them to stay put. Never listening period. Sometimes, if they don't know better or if they're really badly bred, they'll bite.

I have a puppy. His name and Sam and he doesn't know how to listen. I tell him over and over again that I'm going to save his stupid brother, out of the goodness of my heart, I swear.

And he never believes me.

So he cheats. He goes behind my back and goes after a Crossroads Demon because he really thinks he's going to be able to do it on his own. He won't. But like I said, he never believes me.

He's a cheeky sort.

And me? I'm Ruby.

[community] quotethis_muses, [entry] journal, [prompt] january, [verse] open

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