[8] Love knows no limit to its endurance. 1 Corinthian 13: 7

Jan 20, 2008 20:54

"What are you doing?" Sam asked curiously, peaking over Ruby's shoulder to look at the computer screen. Alec was already there, his head on her lap, as they watched the screen.

"Are those Ruby Slippers?" he asked, not the least bit put off by Ruby ignoring him.

"SHH!" she hissed at him, flinging her hand back and smacking him in the eye. His fault, he was the one looking over her shoulder.

"Why are you looking at Ruby Slippers," he asked again. He had perseverance that was for her. Like a dog with a bone. And really giant puppy who wasn't shutting up when Ruby asked him, nicely even, to.

"Sam! Shut up or I swear to God I will knife you in the eye socket," she grumbled, glaring at him. He might have flinched a little, but he'd deny it.

"They've been on auction for three days," Alec whispered tiredly. "Only five minutes left."

Ruby's eyes hadn't left the screen. Her fingers were tapping the computer keys feather light, jabbing the enter key every time someone raised against her. She was getting steadily more and more peeved. Who the Hell was this other person trying to buy her God damned shoes!? Who the Hell else needed Ruby Slippers!!

One minute left.

Okay, she was just getting flat out pissed. This 'L Barker' of 126 Jersey Shore Lane was going to get her ass kicked if she didn't cut it with the bidding.

Three... Two.. One!

"YES!!" Ruby squealed and looked terribly pleased with herself, which Sam counted in his favor. A happy demon meant she wouldn't bother him.

Alec blinked up at her blearily. "Sleep now?"

Three days of not sleeping, and thus cussing at the computer and amusing herself with obnoxious computer games that pinged and whirred had meant Alec had gotten shit for sleep.

"Sleep now," she agreed, shutting the laptop with a victorious grin. "You can leave Sam," she told him bluntly, shooing him out of the office. "Scatter."

And then she bounded back into the office and curled up on the sun-warmed couch with Alec. She had her boyfriend and she shoes and she'd got to threaten Sam and she had a lazy kitten purring against her.

Anything was worth being endured for those shoes, especially if the reward was extra long naptime. 

[prompt] january, [community] our_magic_place, [verse] terminal city, [entry] narrative

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