I'm a day late, but this was tossed together at the last minute last night. Just a rough little collage of the seven girls first year. They were such a surprise. I went downstairs to play with Oren and heard the tiniest little sound. Muffled so you could barely hear it. Finally I picked up the sleepsack and peaked in. There was one little ET looking creature. OMG! Mary was out of town and I called her main volunteer Debbi to PLEASE come help. Thank God she did. She is now mom to one of the babies (Poppy) The first few weeks I was on the phone constantly with Bev/Tunnelrunner, Bev/UK and Kim. Bless them!! When they were old enough I sent them to Kim to find homes. I still have two of the girls and the mom Oren. I'm so happy they have such good homes thanks to Kim.
If you would like to see my silly collage..go here