Today's ODNB Life of the Day is
Dorothy Hodgkin, awww, blesss!!
I posted at some length about Hodgkin way back when I read the Ferry biography, but can't find it (may be pre-tagging).
But I was a bit 'huh?' about this in the ODNB account:
With his frequent absences (and several acknowledged infidelities), [Thomas Hodgkin] could not be classed as a wholly supportive husband to a woman with a busy research career; however, at the time of their marriage he was unusual in accepting that his wife might have a career at all. And there seems little doubt that despite the outwardly unconventional course of their marriage, Dorothy and Thomas were bound by a strong mutual affection, admiration for each other's work, and passionately held political views.
He didn't stand in her way, and he didn't get under her feet. Sounds pretty damn good to me. If he'd been around more maybe he'd have been all about wanting his dinner on the table, etc, when she wanted to stay in the laboratory.