Midweek linkage

Jul 23, 2008 12:12

Found this while googling around for details on a crime scene near the tube station over the weekend (large bits of road blocked off, many police persons standing around): Lisa Jardine on the creation of panic through misleading statistics and indeed, the potential outcome of self-fulfilling prophecy.

A wonder! a wonder! a journalist who totally gets blogs and why blogging is not reviewing and what it can do rather than what it is not:
[A]s a form, the blog is fantastically elastic - a quality that cannot fail to be seductive to a writer. Everything is up for grabs. A blog can be everyday, whimsical, deeply serious or all three; it can be published instantly (clearly a boon to journalists); it can be experimental.

Yay for Charlotte Higgins.

Sexy high male voices. I am inclined to fail any article on this topic which completely omits Smokey Robinson (not to mention Frankie Valli, because listening to that voice exhorting 'Walk Like A Man' is such an experience).

On sexual arousal, however, it looks as though Lonesome George the Galapagos tortoise, may have finally Done It.

More yay: [Lee] Miller is now to be the subject of a new play, film and exhibition. The movie to be by John Maybury who made The Edge of Love, so this sounds promising.

Odd sight of the day: Pinner boasts a 'Gor Pharmacy' (I did not venture in).

women artists, sixties, panic, tortoise, films, reviews, blogging, reproduction, weirdness, journalism, statistics, violence, photography, policing, animals, music

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