Britons give more to donkey sanctuary than abuse charities. Okay, maybe this is just All About The English and Animals (no, this is not another
bestiality post, honest) - read in, er, Journal of Saw It Somewhere Studies that the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds had more members than any political party (it might even have been than all political parties) in the UK.
But on the violence against women thing: doubtless there are still people, I will not call them Neanderthals since that insults Neanderthals, who believe that women who experience domestic violence 'ask for it'. There are probably also people who think that the women should 'just get up and leave'. At least, that the women have some kind of agency and ability to affect the situation. Whereas donkeys, and other animals, have the image of not deserving the bad things that happen to them, and being unable to help themselves out of an adverse situation.
See also, debates around prostitution, which tend, at least in the media, to focus heavily on victimised innocents such as trafficked women.
Only Real Victims Deserve Rescue? - some kind of longstanding pervasive mindset of that kind (embodied, but scarcely created by,
W T Stead's notorious Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon, 1886).
In possibly somewhat lighter mood:
MAI ETCHINS - LET ME SHOW U THEM. Flash your artwork rather than your mammaries, in speed-dating at the ICA (
Institute of Contemporary Arts, London).