Apr 04, 2008 10:57
Weird: having two notifications from ABEbooks of a v rare Charlotte Yonge that I've been looking for and had on my wanted list for ages, arrive on consecutive days: and not the same copy with the same dealer through some weird duplication effect.
And both at a really, really, reasonable, no need to take thought and calculate how much I'm prepared to go up to*, price.
I am slightly miffed that I (of course) immediately logged in to buy the first copy, which is being offered by a US dealer, when today's is in the UK, so I am going to have to wait weeks for something I could have had in days, but, on the other hand, not that it matters, the US copy is somewhat cheaper.
* There are a couple of things on my Wants list that come up occasionally, but at such insane prices that when they are offered at just over £100 I'm almost tempted.
internet booksellers,