ankaret has asked me for my memories of 1984.
Probably most significant about this year was that it was the year partner and I finally moved in together. At the end of August, a day or so after the Bank Holiday.
This represented the culmination of the process of finding a new larger flat and selling my old one, a process which included, along the way, being gazumped over a flat in Dartmouth Park Hill and inordinate amounts of niggling delays on the part of buyers' solicitors. The flat I finally bought, right at the top limit of what I felt I could then afford, has, what with London house price insanity, appeciated significantly.
Other things that were happening in 1984. I was two years into the research for my PhD. I was in therapy and it was going well. I read the whole of Remembrance of Things Past in the Penguin 3 volume edition of the Kilmartin translation, and was blown away by it. I can't remember with any particular detail what I was doing that year at work - it might just possibly have been the year I finally got my own office rather than having to perch in a corner of office shared with Former Line Manager.
There were various things that needed doing to the flat - decorating, getting a gas supply into the kitchen to connect the cooker, installing my washing machine, etc, buying furniture - the usual saga.
In the autumn we had a week's holiday in Malaga and Granada, during the course of which some extremely fine tapas and paella were consumed.
That's about it. Such major life changes perhaps occlude more quotidian memories.