Well, that was a peculiar year.
For some reason it feels like it was a slack water/sitting spinning my wheels year, even though I
- Published The Monograph
- Did extensive revision and cutting of The Biography
- Was awarded a short-term Research Fellowship
- And therefore spent a month doing intensive research in the Wells archive
Maybe what gave this impression was that for the first time for years I didn't seem to have torrents of cascading deadlines? And really relatively little conferencing. Plus a flurry of requests to write letters of recommendation for people's promotions/candidacy for eminent service to scholarship awards/funding and grants.
Also, I think the effects of adjusting to new workspace and new hours, job-wise, have actually been quite a strain.
Then, since returning from USA, have not really felt I could get my seat in the chair and my feet under the desk because of all the having virus/bopping off to Scotland, etc - just v unsettled.
There were certainly good things, including lots of excellent rl meetings with online friends.
Some looking-forward things, not exactly resolutions, for the New Year:
- Not to just fritter my flexi-time hours but to use them to take time for research.
- Wiscon!
- Minneapolis in June!
- More trimming of The Biography
- Write, and send out to suitable journals, the two articles I have in mind.
- Ummm....