Be it recorded here, the taxi-driver on Friday deployed The Knowledge
rather than GPS to get me home by the quickest route.
However, am going aaaaargh and reaching out for the nearest codfish (after I've stopped beating my head on the wall) at this intelligence, if that is the appropriate term:
But now the stars have found another way to express their love that's practical, yet strangely endearing: taking their husbands' surnames. (Is this straight out of
A Star is Born - 'This is Mrs Norman Maine' - or what? at least she had the excuse of being called Esther Blodgett to begin with.) Why, I ask myself, don't they cut straight to the chase, and have their salaries paid directly into husbands' bank accounts, from which the husbands may, if feeling in a generous mood, issue them with suitable amounts of pin-money for their womanly requirements as to a little light shopping? Am also thinking, given the average duration of celebrity marriages, of the amount of administrative hassle they're setting themselves up for in changing back again.
Meanwhile, Cristina Odone gets
all 'OT, OM' over Facebook and online social sites. Is it really the case that a) the oldest friendships are the best and strongest (as opposed to a habit that can't be got rid of?) and b) hasn't she ever made later and important friendships with people who didn't know her in playschool? It's easy to mock the triviality of Facebook etc, but I don't think this bigger case she's making about the nature of friendship really holds up.