Top five things you'd like to eat, money no object:
A meal at the Fat Duck, Bray, the money no object bit here would be hiring a car to take me there, because getting there by train was a bit interminable
Jugged hare (simply because hare seems a bit hard to come by)
There was a delicious aubergine thing as part of the buffet hors d'ouevres at a place I went on holiday in Sicily many years ago, that I've never had anything like since
There was a delicious thick creamy thing in Norway (it was one of the few things that impressed me about Norwegian cuisine, which is largely undistinguished) - it's not the cost so much as the fact that I suspect it probably has about a billion calories
The goose (preceded by caviar blinis) that I had in Budapest
(in all these cases it's not the ingredients so much as travel, seasonality, etc, that are the cost factors involved)
Top five things you wish people knew about archives and archivists before contacting you:
An archivist is not a librarian
Just because it's old doesn't make it an archive
It's very unlikely that it will have been digitised and available for you to look at online
Archives weren't created with your particular research interest in mind (and just because you are interested in particular person or organisation, doesn't mean their archives MUST HAVE survived)
We can point you to somewhere where you may be able to find out what you want to know, but we're not going to do your research for you
Five famously overlooked women overshadowed by male counterparts in the field:
Lise Meitner
Rosalind Franklin
Lee Krasner
Caroline Herschel
Elizabeth Siddal
Except, these have all at least been the subject of historical revisionism and recuperation: I suspect that there are far more buried in those acknowledgements 'To my wife, without whom'... (because she did the research, turned my writing into decent prose, handled all the business arrangements, etc).