Somewhat point thahr, misst?

Feb 17, 2022 18:23

I would have thought that the whole point of buying one's cocktails premixed in a bottle was, you know, so as not to faff around with mixing the ingredients, doing the poncey shaker thing, straining the stuff into an appropriate glass, but just sticking an appropriate measure into a glass, with or without ice, to taste.

However - the other week, when, O! Calamity! Waitrose were, little tins of Moth Margarita, no can haz, I discovered that M&S via Ocado did a thing called 'The Marksologist Verdita Margarita', in a bottle. While I thought this looked like a perhaps somewhat jazzed-up take on the basic recipe, it seemed acceptable, so I put a bottle in our order.

The instructions for serving are, you measure it carefully into your cocktail shaker (WHUT), with ice, and shake it up (baby), and then strain it into a glass, and only then do you sip it.

Y O Y.

Plz 2 B sending mixologist along as well? Sigh.

Were I into the mixy-shaky-strainy thing, I would, surely, be ordering the tequila and other ingredients separately (along with the, you know, shaker, and probably speshul glasses to boot - maybe bendy straws and little umbrellas?)

I am not sure if this is terribly decadent or just not decadent enough.

The very minor niggles of North London supermarket customers.

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niggle, frivolity, ponceyness, consumerism, drink, self-indulgence

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