Okay, I am in grim anticipation of having to Do Something about replacing my existing WDCloud when support is ending as it is no longer compatible with continuing security updates. They will be sending a voucher towards a new device... while I backup the old one, disable remote access etc etc.
So I had that sur le tapis, but not anything that needs absolutely immediate attention, even if they have been nagging me about for months, although the critical date is not until several months into the New Year.
And this morning, on my new computer, which I have just about got into shape, as it boots up, I get, do I want to upgrade to Windows 11?
I depose that even if I did, does anyone want to do this first thing? (there didn't seem to be the option, that you get with existing system updates, to defer to a More Convenient Time), only to skip for the present.
Before my first coffee...
Does not seem entirely well-thought-through.
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