However, the legbone's connected to the kneebone, the kneebone's connected to the thighbone...
- the new computer is talking to the printer and the scanner (I have even achieved actually scanning something), the new mouse and keyboard are on speakers with it (which is a relief, as I kept having to unplug the old ones to go and plug them back in to the old computer when I discovered something that needed further sorting out).
And most things are up and running as they should, more or less, and subject to finding that the software in question has changed since last I installed it and behaves in not quite the same way.
I'm able to do most of the things I need to.
The most irking thing is having problems creating mailboxes in Thunderbird for two of my accounts, which are not terribly active, but I need to have them available. Not quite sure what the problem is because the error messages say could be this that or the other, which is not really helpful.
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