I'm very grateful for
all the sage advice received apropos of sluggish computer.
In the light of its all looking rather All More Complicated than I initially anticipated -
- plus, I am not entirely noted for my manual dexterity -
- and I do not have a handy more adept computer person available (and after the dire saga of the Cowboy Computer Technician some years ago, am somewhat leery of going looking for one) -
(Insofar as we have an IT Support person in-house, c'est moi.)
- I think I'm probably looking at a new computer, since I'm fairly capable of setting one up and plugging things into the right bits without having to delve around in the interior.
Anyway, thank you all very much for your input.
I was also very gratified this morning - indeed, my felicity was maximized - by a most unexpected and charming thing, a book dedication to me. Awwwwwwww.
And just to provide some entertaining and instructive content for my dr rdrz: while as ever the peeves are a bit agitati by the claims of 'Mystery!!!' (what else could these objects be, we ask), this is nonetheless A Find:
Did we just find Victorian condoms in the Clarendon archive?
(Yes, my little ones, you did indeed find sheepgut johnnies or French letters or baudruches.)
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