Because what should happen when I was stuck into that, but then, firstly I got copy edits for the pieces for the web project, which turned out to want various things that, you know, maybe you could have asked for at an earlier stage? Before I'd reshelved all the books I'd consulted...? That sort of thing?
Also, I'm just not sure about wanting 'cites' for phrases which I've specified in text were common usage in newspaper small ads over decades.
And hot on the heels of that came the intelligence that there is a publisher for a vastly expanded (or at least, it looks vastly expanded) version of the edited volume I submitted a chapter for, which has already gone through several tedious rounds of editing to conform with tiresome editorial protocols which are not what this historian is used to. I am not actually sure that what the actual publisher this project now has and their requirements is going to make much difference, but I see that there is a length limit which is going to require me to make cuts, the horror I say, the horror.
Am also obliged to create an ORCid profile.
Though having done this, am rather impressed with Past Me, who managed to publish all that (and it doesn't even include presentations and conference papers) while holding down a full-time job in archives.
The peeves think I would be quite in order to lie about on a chaise-longue drinking sanitive madeira and consuming delicious currie-puffs, but yet, here I am.
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