Wednesday has been invited to a Facility Management & Maintenance Show, in Dublin, next month, SPAM

Sep 01, 2021 18:29

What I read
It has been all Bujold all the time: finished Captain Vorpatril's Alliance (still a rather weak entry) , went on to Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen (2016) (opinion remained as here), then circled back, not for a complete re-read:
Mirror Dance (1994) - I'd forgotten what a lot of running around there was in the earlier sections and that it took a while to get up to strength; Memory (1996) -
On the go
A Civil Campaign (1999). And while I'm still enjoying these, I'm not sure I'm loving them quite in the way I used to?
Up next
Still have the new Slightly Foxed to get to, also new Jay Rayner collection, Chewing the Fat: Tasting notes from a greedy life.

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meme, slightly-foxed, books, criticism, reading, food, romance, sff

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