What I read
Finished Eight Miles High (Cat Caliban #8): downsides the possible lack of former editorial hand noted in previous volume, also the move out of the community Cat's normally operating within; upside is the amount on Women Airforce Service Pilots of WW2, though one feels possibly Borton was stretching a bit to find a mystery to go with this, which clearly was of considerable interest to her.
Also finished The Uncertain Places: this is one of Lisa Goldstein's that somehow just does not quite do it for me. Sometimes they do, and sometimes they just somehow miss.
Rose Lerner, The Wife in the Attic (Rye Bay, #1) (2021) - not sure I was really in the space for claustrophic Gothic, however well-done...
Then a bit of not quite knowing what to read next and picking things up and putting them down and then saying to myself I didn't have to commit to a massive re-read of the whole of Byatt's Frederica Quartet from the beginning, so as I actually had Babel Tower (1996) close at hand I read that without going right back to the beginning (also, I said to myself, I had re-read the first two volumes several times and the second two rather less). There were bits I skimmed (e.g. the extracts from the controversial novel) but it still holds up. Though perhaps the evocation of the period strikes more now than it did at the time.
Robin Stevens, Once Upon a Crime (2021) - a collection of Murder Most Unladylike shorts, two of which I'd read already but the others were new and it was worth it.
Also read the GB Stern v rare playscript Raffle for a Bedspread (1953), a one-acter, all women - aimed, I dunno, at Women's Institutes and so on?? slight.
On the go
Paul Baker, Fabulosa! The Story of Polari, Britain’s Secret Gay Language (2019), a great deal from the University of Chicago Press ebook sale.
Up next
Have a new JA Jance Joanna Brady mystery downloaded to the ereader. Also a dead-tree copy of Naomi Mitchison's Behold Your King (1957). So probably one or other of those.
Wally the walrus to get 'floating couch' to stop him sinking boats: 'Can't push Wally round, Wally won't go, try telling everybody but, oh no, little Wally Wally won't go home'
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