Anyone interested in my new side-hustle?

Jun 29, 2021 19:47

I don't know if anyone else has seen this: Over 90,000 people have joined r/SemenRetention in the hope of storing their sacred male energy, which sounds like a ponceyer version of the Anti-Fap movement, what with the invocation of Ye Antient Wisdome of Ye Orientale Sages* (why not, we ask, Ye Antient Wisdome of all those Victorian and Edwardian anti-wanking authorities, why not That Sage of Sages on the subject, Baden-Powell? Wot Abaht Onania?).
But, anyway, seeing that, and lately having had a friend consult me about Victorian fiendish devices for the prevention of the Heinous Sin of Onan -
- specifically, not just the question of spermatic economy, but the actual economy - how were they being marketed and sold and how much did they cost? (This is, we may say, a dark and mysterious subject upon which experts working in the field are baffled: there are slight hints but very little definite information.)
What we do know is that such devices may be found in museums or recommended in medical works: 'a much safer and better remedy'; 'the toothed ring'; 'the electrical alarm'.
Any patents must have long since expired - there is clearly a market ready and waiting - perhaps these could be made up in more modern materials? Might 3D printing be a possibility?
Do we not think that there is a commercial opportunity here?
*Without, we suspect, the 'whole set of techniques and practices related to health and longevity' in which 'diet, exercise and meditation played a much more prominent role'.

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commercialism, masturbation, exoticism, victorians, woowoo, technology

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