Wednesday is chuffed at a friend having got a major research grant (so is Sid)

Jun 16, 2021 19:36

What I read
Well, less than I might have done had I not spent rather a lot of time getting my e-reader back into some semblance of order - the upgrade had not only marked a lot of Read works as Unread, it had also managed to expunge a significant portion of my library from the device which I had to put back (and also mark Read). I could not fathom any particular logic as to the principles behind this, if any (i.e. it wasn't that it only deigned to recognise books purchased and downloaded from their site. Go figure.)
Finished First the Blade - gosh, Justin was A Type that still exists, except that these days it would probably be video games rather than his birds' egg collection - even thought I also got the feeling that he was meant to be an exemplar of Edward Carpenter's 'Man the Ungrown', with the hint that, just maybe, he might, what with the trenches, and so forth, he might just grow up past the end of the book? But we honestly think Laura should ditch him and her worthy village warwork and go be a VAD or join the women's forces or be a land girl, and after the war go and Be An Artist and Have Affairs.
Zen Cho, Black Water Sister, which was great.
Latest Literary Review.
Courtney Milan, The Duchess War (The Brothers Sinister #1) (2012) re-read.
Olivia Waite, The Hellion's Waltz (Feminine Pursuits, #3 - nice, but I felt it was a little on the slight side?
KJ Charles, To Trust Man On His Oath (The Will Darling Adventures #2.5) giveaway in advance of Subtle Blood.
On the go
I pulled Randall Jarrell, Pictures from an Institution (1954) off the shelf to find a quotation in it, and have been dipping into it a bit. What a lovely book. No need for conflicts, or even plot, really.
Courtney Milan, The Heiress Effect (2013).
Up next
On present form, it's going to be all Courtney, all the time, until next Wednesday, though I daresay that might change.

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ebook, masculinity, thrillers, meme, books, litfic, fantasy, reading, histfic, romance

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