Wednesday is still having password issues

May 05, 2021 19:31

What I read
Finished Hush Money - hmmmmm. I'd forgotten or erased the number of dodgy conniving broads Spenser is forced to encounter in the course of his investigations. On the other hand the one in this one who at first seems to be faking being stalked for attention, is really being stalked; that doesn't, however, really give her a pass on stalking Spenser, particularly as she was referred to him by Susan out of friendship.
Then I re-read two Diana Wynne Joneses that I had not looked at for a very long time and in fact don't think I had read anything like as much back in the day as others: Deep Secret (1997) - which seemed to me to have a bit too much middle of the book frantic running around in a flap; and the sequel The Merlin Conspiracy (2003), which I thought worked rather better.
Then I got stuck into a Laurie Colwin re-reading binge with Family Happiness (1982) - absolutely ace; Another Marvellous Thing (1986), which I wouldn't put near the top of her works; and Goodbye without Leaving (1990), which still holds up very well.
On the go
I did manage a little more of both 1848: Year of Revolution and Thirteen Ways of Looking at the Novel.
I did start Sarah Schulman, The Cosmopolitans (2016), which I can see is a very good book I don't quite feel in the place for right at the moment.
Up next
Well, I think the Colwin binge is going to continue with Happy All The Time.
PSA: D-M Withers, Virago Reprints and Modern Classics: The Timely Business of Feminist Publishing (Cambridge UP, 2021) is free to download until 14 May.

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