I.e. looking back over this week it was one in which there were several signs that I am by no means entirely irrelevant.
Right at the beginning of the week I participated in a virtual class to convey some of my knowingz about archives and research for a younger colleague's students.
I have been asked by two journals to referee articles on really rather distinctly different topics.
I have also been asked to be the reader for a book manuscript on a subject which falls, I suppose, with My Sphere of Expertise.
Somebody who asked me to be a supporting reference for a competitive research fellowship has got it, so I daresay my opinions count for something.
And looking at the details of the micropayments kindly consolidated for me by the ALCS, I remain amazed not just at the range of my works that people are consulting (what, that chapter in that Really Obscure Edited Volume?) but that the older work is still getting quite an outing.
wotthehell wotthehell
there's a dance in the old dame yet
toujours gai toujours gai
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