No bread made during week.
Friday night supper:
ven pongal (South Indian khichchari from Jack Santa Maria's Indian Vegetarian Cookery).
Saturday breakfast rolls:
brown grated apple with maple sugar and ginger.
Today's lunch: venison haunch steaks, which I rubbed with a cut clove of garlic and then with crushed
Bristol 5-pepper Blend + coriander seeds and then rested for a while before panfrying in butter + olive oil according to instructions on packet, and then deglazed with a little brandy to make a jus; served with Albert Bartlett Apache potatoes roasted in beef dripping, tenderstem broccoli (sent in substitution for kalettes, woah-woah-woah, woah-woah)
garlic-roasted, and baby chicory, halved and healthy-grilled in avocado oil and splashed with damson vinegar.
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