A benevolent welfare state is anxious to get an old hedjog vaccinated

Jan 30, 2021 16:14

As I mentioned earlier in the week, I had my (first) vaccination on Wednesday, at the place which is not actually my GP's health centre but the adjacent building where the physiotherapy etc for local health authority normally hangs out.
All very smoothly done - security guy sanitises one's hands on the way in, one is directed into socially distanced waiting room, there is v short wait until one is beckoned forth to have one's details taken and then onward to short wait outside doctor's/nurse's surgery, a quick jab, and then exit by a different route.
I felt fairly crappy for a day or so - headache, achy, slight temperature - and still a bit low-energy.
But, the system is determined to ensure I (and partner) am vaccinated!
I think it was actually Wednesday we both got letters from the NHS on the subject - presumably in case we are among Those Olds who do not do computers or smartphones.(Not to mention the further texts that came after actually booking my appointment saying that appointments were in prospect.)
Today I had a text from Major Teaching Hospital (the one just round the corner from my former workplace) inviting me to book my vaccination there... I am not sure quite why, except, I had been treated there within the last decade or so? Just barely within walking distance, I suppose, at a push, but not really what one would like do undertake after not having been out much for so long and in particular, making the return stretch after the vaccination (which is pretty much Uphill All The Way, Yea, To The Very End).

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welfare state, health, vaccine, epidemics

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