On the one hand, I have had the text saying that I'm in line for the vaccine; on the other hand, when I click through, I find that my GP centre, which is doing them, doesn't currently have any appointments available, come back tomorrow - and tomorrow - until -
In further irksomeness, the way Waitrose slots get booked up by people who apparently rise at 3 am when they become available. Allegedly some more may be made available - this has once or twice happened - but is still irksome.
Additional irksomeness is when I ponied up for priority delivery on A Thing, when, allegedly standard delivery would only take a day or so longer, and was expected delivery today, and now get, oops, this has been delayed, you might get it on Saturday (but at least they're remitting shipping costs).
Also irkful, last week one of the smoke detectors died, vocally. We bought a new one (Nest, which gets the Which highest score). This is totally more faff to get up and running than it pretends, because you have to do it via an app which is, I depose, less than intuitive, and we have not yet managed to connect it to the one we already have elsewhere in the flat. Plus, I hope we can turn off that thing it does of suddenly switching on an eerie green light if someone comes down the stairs in the middle of the night. DO.NOT.WANT.
Having said, wooo, no academic thingz happening, this week I have a Zoom chat over coffee with an embryonic research group within my sphere of interest.
And I have been reminded, something that had slipped from memory, that I had promised two short articles for a web project, technically on things I could more or less do in my sleep, but I should probably try to accomplish them in a waking state.
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