Not feeling I have anything to contribute about the present situation

Jan 07, 2021 19:29

So maybe a spot of personal stock-taking and introspection -
It feels really, really weird but I don't have any active academic thing on my to-do list at the moment?
I had a proposal which was probably a tad peripheral to the stated focus of the edited volume politely turned down last month.
I submitted the draft (at least) of my essay for edited volume before the deadline, yay, go me.
I had a reference to write for a research award for a colleague that I got in in time.
And at present I have no books to review, no articles to referee, no letters of recommendation to write -
What I have done is read three articles vaguely related to my areas of interest which I printed out at least a month ago, and been doing some generally research-related reading, which I should probably be getting a bit more organised about.
There are a few matters of life admin I need to be getting to, though I suspect that prompting email about booking a boiler-service was auto-generated, given that when I clicked through, there were no actual date/timeslots available, and I don't really think that is because everybody in these parts is having their boilers serviced for the next goodness knows how long.
On the fiction side, I did manage to keep up some degree of productivity and continue to self-publish volumes at regular intervals.

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research, egotism, me, domestic, life, academic, writing, fiction

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