Presumably not the same groups?

Nov 26, 2020 19:21

Like, in previous years I am sure the advice columns were all 'how do I deal with compulsory getting together with FAAAAMILY for trad celebration angst angst angst' -
- but on reflection, probably the people who were heavying them into obligation to get together with FAAAAMILY for trad celebration are the ones who are blithely going ahead and traveling and consorting in enclosed spaces with large gatherings of people from all over -
- and the first group are in fact heaving sighs of relief and murmuring about silver linings, though we understand that people who think FAAAAMILY and trad celebration are an incontrovertible argument, what do you mean, pandemic? how insulting to ask whether we shall be wearing masks/maintaining appropriate distance/etc, are not going to be entirely sympathetic to their relatives who are both 'let us take this thing seriously' and 'yay, get-out clause!'. Neither of which are going to be positions with which they are likely to be agreement with, alas.
I have rather loved the suggestions by people who were Doing Alternative Things instead of Ye Canonical Meal - like something they liked instead of What Is Expected, perhaps this will become A New Tradition?
I think I've had this before for your day of thanks, but not the one with the two elderly surviving members of the Scaffold going Thank U Very Much?

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families, social events, obligatory, festivals, sixties, seasons, popular music, gratitude

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