This week's bread: mixing up the ends of bags of Hovis Granary Flour, Dove's Farm Malthouse Flour, and Marriage's Golden Wholegrain, with a splosh of oil, and this made up into a v tasty loaf.
Have I mentioned the v simple and good Friday night supper thing which is penne pasta with those bottled artichoke hearts in oil + chopped sundried tomatoes?
Saturday breakfast rolls:
brown grated apple with Sharpham Park Baker's Blend spelt flour, with maple sugar and mixed spice, turned out v nice.
Today's lunch: the aubergine curry from Jack Santa Maria's Indian Vegetarian Cookery (I'd forgotten about fresh green coriander but still had some of the frozen stuff which in sufficient quantities seemed to work), an approach to the channa massaladar from Madhur Jaffrey's Invitation to Indian Cookery (e.g. I didn't have tomato paste so used an actual tomato), the pak choy which, failing other inspiration, I stir-fried with star anise, and basmati rice cooked with assorted aromatics. Turned out quite nicely.
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